BINUS Educators Conference

20 January 2024 was a valuable
opportunity for BINUS School
Semarang to join BINUS Educators
Conference with general topic
“Education Towards Industry
5.0”. The BEC 2024 offers 8
interesting topics with experienced
speakers. BINUS is very honoured to
have our Keynote Speaker, Professor
Bambang Brodjonegoro (Former
Minister of Research and Technology
and Head of National Research and
Innovation Agency, Former Minister
for National Development Planning
and Former Minister of Finance). He
shared tips and tricks on how
teachers can equip students with
skills and values in this era of AI
This topic is very relevant
today with AI becoming more and
more available for everyone.
teachers participated in the BINUS
Educators Conference. Mr. Fabien
and Mr. Erik also contributed as
speakers with the topic on
“Embracing Digitalization in
Education for Excellence”.
They explored the ways to use virtual
reality and augmented reality tools in
the teaching and learning process.
This is our way to advocate
innovative learning for a better