Charity Market & Medical Outreach 2020

Most people do not realize that by giving to others – even in small amounts – you’ll feel wealthier, healthier and happier. Those who are the happiest are those who do the most for others. BINUS SCHOOL Semarang are extremely grateful because our students have given their best to hold this event wholeheartedly.

The excitement of the Student Council and Interact Club when preparing the event, purchasing the products, looking for sponsors, counting, and coordinating with each other have brought warmth to the hearts of the recipients. Trash Hero, Rumah Faye, Animals Hope Shelter, and Centre for Orangutan Foundation are the recipients of this year’s Charity Market proceeds.

BINUS SCHOOL Semarang were lucky to have Kimia Farma and Rotary Jakarta Metropolitan as our key sponsors for the Medical Outreach. What they gave really meant a lot to those in needs.  The Medical team serviced 250 ISS, security guards, drivers, and families from our Adopt-a-School.

A sense of gratitude was permeable from the recipients of these services.

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