What sets apart BINUSIANs from other students is how they exemplify the School’s SPIRIT Values of Striving for Excellence, Perseverance, Integrity, Respect, Innovation, and Teamwork.
The SPIRIT Getaway held last 26 August 2022 at Green Valley, Bandungan helped students to better understand and practice the SPIRIT Values through outdoor games. It also gave them the opportunity to bond with each other and their teachers who supervised the games.

The experiences and realizations of MSHS students that day were remarkable. One of them pointed out that they were blessed to be able to go out again for a school activity
after 2 years of the pandemic. Others shared some of the lessons they learned from the games. “Teamwork is important because we are
humans. We need each other,” said an HS10 student. Another student from MS7, pointed out that “we need to be strong and not give in to temptations to take short cuts and not live out the values.”

Overall, the students had fun. Overflowing food, thanks to the generosity of the parents who added to what was catered to us by Green Valley and fun activities surely made the event memorable for our students.

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