BINUS SCHOOL Semarang | Fruitful Friday with FitNation
On February 24th 2023 our school Marketing Team organised the Dare to be Great with Zumba event for our internal parents. The coach was Zin Ella from FitNation.
In this Fruitful Friday, we did some zumba exercises which delighted many of our parents. We collaborated with FitNation, one of the best Fitness places in Semarang, for the said event. Zin Ella as the coach was really energetic and it made all the parents become energetic too. We believe that by having zumba in school, we give a lot of positive benefits. As we may already know, zumba is a full body workout that can burn calories, build endurance, improve cardiovascular fitness, maintain blood pressure, adaptable or easy to practice, and improve the quality of life. Besides enjoying the benefits, our 16 parent attendees were also given vouchers by FitNation.
See you on the next Fruitful Friday with the theme Parenting Session!