BINUS SCHOOL Semarang | In House Training (IHT) Kurikulum Merdeka (10, 11, 17 Feb 2023)
In preparation for the implementation of the Kurikulum Merdeka AY 2023-2024, BINUS SCHOOL Semarang held an In-House Training (IHT) initiated by BCL&D and NATCUR. It was opened by the Head of Middle School Development Division, Mr. Erwan Rahmat and the speakers were Ibu Fajriah, S. Pd, M.Pd, Ibu Dra. Does Ichnatun, D.S, M.Pd., and Ibu Cicilia Sri Maryuni, M.M. The participants were from our internal BINUS teachers and representatives from 16 junior high schools in West Semarang City.
The expectations of the event was for the teachers to understand and be ready to implement the Kurikulum Merdeka at school. The materials provided in the in-house training were on: Kurikulum Merdeka Policy, Inclusive Education, CP (Capaian Pembelajaran), TP (Tujuan Pembelajaran), ATP (Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran), Learning MODULE, KOSP (Kurikulum Operasional Satuan Pendidikan), P5 (Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila), Assessment, and Reflection.