BINUS SCHOOL Semarang | January-February Profesional Development Summary
The Buddy Programme and Intensive Coaching Programme that started in October 2022 has been completed in January 2023.
On January 3rd – 9th 2023, Ms. Heny Marwati participated in an external workshop with the topic The Educational Philosophy: Non Scholae, sed vitae discimus by SEKOLAH BASIS. Moreover, Mr. Erwin Resada Montojo participated in training for 2 days on January 26th – 27th, 2023 with the topic Learning Recovery to Learning Resilience by Resource for Educators & Academic Professionals and REX Education. Ms. Ari Novita Sari participated in an external workshop organized by ANPS with the topic Helping Little Students in Adjusting After Pandemic on 28 January 2023.
In February, an In-house Training was carried out on the topic of “Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka” in collaboration with Dinas Pendidikan Kota Semarang. It was held for 3 days from February 10th, 11th, and 17th. The In-house Training was attended by 26 participants from BINUS School Semarang and 14 participants from schools in 1 region.
In addition to participating in the Internal Development activities, 7 teachers took part in external development as well. 4 MS-HS teachers participated in Cambridge International AS & A Level with the duration of February 1st – 26th 2023, Mr. Alcor Hjingi Elli Correa, Mr. Jeffrey De Castro Barrer, Ms. Ifa Ayu Muzdalifah and Ms. Ma. Teresa Infante De Guzman participated in this program. Ms. Lanny Lamria Simanjuntak and Ms. Y Rina Dwi Dartiningsih participated in ANPS Workshop with the topic Boosting Learning through Movement, which was completed on February 4 February 4th,2023. Last week, February 25-26, Ms. Aillen Devina Kermite joined as a participant in The 14th ANPS Educators’ Conference Le Meridien Hotel Jakarta.
Apart from being an active learner, teachers also have a role to become facilitators. Thus, Mr. Jeffrey De Castro Barrera acted as a facilitator in the sharing session with MS-HS Teachers with the topic Active Learning: Exploring Concepts and Strategies and Ms. Heny Marwati also acted as a facilitator with the topic Cooperative Learning in Our Class.
Indeed, our teachers are kept abrest with the latest pedagogies and methodologies that will help make them confident and effective teachers in preparing their students to be ready for the world.