BINUS SCHOOL Semarang | Student Council Outreach at Yayasan Panti Asuhan Eunike

On March 28, 2023, our BINUSIAN Students and teachers made a difference by conducting an outreach program at the Panti Asuhan Eunike orphanage. The Student Council, along with some teachers, visited the orphanage to provide the donations collected from the school community and from the SC fund-raising activity.
A total of 41 kids ranging from babies to college students reside in the Panti Asuhan Eunike. Most of the children are from the conflict areas in Papua. The children were sent to the orphanage due to various reasons, such as their parents being murdered or not having enough finances to raise them. During the outreach program, the Student Council did an immersion activity together with the children, allowing them to connect with the kids from the orphanage. The experience was enriching as it provided an opportunity for the BINUSIAN students to appreciate and understand the lives of the less privileged. The donation that was given to the Panti Asuhan Eunike was expected to be useful and a blessing for the children.
The program gave a positive impact on both the BINUSIAN students and the children from the orphanage. It is hoped that the program will continue and inspire more outreach programs that will help those in need.
The outreach program conducted by the BINUSIAN community is a testament of the school community’s commitment to making a difference and helping those in need. We thank all the donors who contributed to this program, and we hope to have more initiatives like this in the future.