BINUS SCHOOL Semarang | BINUS SCHOOL Leadership Programme
The opening of The Art and Craft of School Leaders also happened this month, on 10 April 2023. It was conducted in a hybrid format and broadcast live from BINUS School
Simprug. The programme was officially opened by Mr. Carmelus Susilo Hadipoespito as Board of Management, Mr. Michael Wijaya Hadipoespito as the President of BINUS School Education, Mr. Francis Budiraharja Santoso as Managing Director, and also Mr. Harly Toindo as BCL&D Director. The program was attended by all BINUS SCHOOL Principals and nine program participants. The program will last for 1 year starting from April 2023 to April 2024. There are two main components to this program, training sessions and projects. Ms. Elsie L. Bait, Principal of BINUS SCHOOL Semarang, will participate as one of the speakers and Mr. Erwin Resada Montojo, the Vice Principal of the MS/HS of the BINUS SCHOOL Semarang, is one of the program participants.