BINUS SCHOOL Semarang | Special Guest for ECYEL UPACARA

Special Guest for ECYEL UPACARA
During our March ECY3 & EL Flag Raising, Ibu Irena was our Upacara speaker. Her topic was on family, it’s importance and the values formed within. This was indeed a good choice from her end as it was in sync with our Family Sports and Games Day held on March 11, 2023.The PSG’s theme “We Rise Together” has been manifested once more
through their active participation in the highlight of our AY 2022/2023 event on Family Sports & Games Day & the recently concluded Buka Puasa.
During the FSGD, Ibu Irena & team organised a successful and highly supported bazaar in school to the delight of everyone.
The PSG was able to raise an amount of Rp5,000,000 from the said event which they used for the recently concluded Buka Puasa Bersama. They generously donated “sembako” for our 40 outsource staff (Security Guards, ISS, Nurse, & Drivers).

Thank you to Ibu Irena and her Executive Members for your generous hearts and commendable teamwork, as always.

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