BINUS SCHOOL Semarang | Outreach Programme at Yayasan Harapan Ibu

BINUS SCHOOL Semarang supports community service as a way in which students can learn to engage themselves with the community benefitting in the development of their social skills – connecting to the community and raising social awareness. The last outreach programme of the school year 2022-2023 was held on Saturday, 27th May 2023, with a collaboration of students, teachers, and parents assisted by the Principal and ECYEL Vice Principal of the school. Donation was collected on a voluntary basis. Students and teachers together served and entertain to comfort the elders in the home of aged Panti Jompo Harapan Ibu, Semarang. There are 25 elders hosting the home and the activities were planned to comfort the heart of the aged. Students, teachers, and parents together were joyfully singing lovely songs, serving food for them, and cheering them up. The visit was engaging and received with gladness by the host.