PSG Coffee Morning
The PSG Coffee Morning was held on
February 23 in the Mini Hall of
Building A. The parent officers
attended the session in their pink
and red coloured Chinese and
Valentine “all-in-one” attire which
brought a bright atmosphere and
sunny disposition to those who
attended the event. Ibu Irena and
team started with a prayer before
their usual reports on the events and
financial status followed by the
School ExCom reports. The PSG
ExCom prepared interesting activities
such as an interesting game, a mob
dance tutorial and best dressed
participant with prizes from their
angpao tree.
We thank the PSG Officers for the
tremendous support they continue to
give the school.
By the 2nd week of May, we will be
inviting our parents to join the new
PSG as Officers for the next AY
2024/2025. The school will send a
nomination letter for all to indicate
the names of the parents who may
have the leadership skills and a big
heart to work with the school.
We appeal to our parents to
nomiinate a parent or parents who
will be the next Chairperson, in lieu
of Ibu Irena Juwono, our now
existing Chairperson, AY 2022 – 2024.
The school is looking forward to work
hand in hand with our volunteer
parents who will assist to move
BINUS SCHOOL Semarang forward.